It’s always tempting to optimise code before you need to. With Javascript I think it’s basically worth following some best practises as you go along, and then doing the “proper” thing of working out where the big holes are.
The issue I have with NOT considering speed as you go through, is you end up with death by a thousand cuts. Internet users (Netizens?) are incredible fickle about speed.
So I’ve been taking reasonable efforts to make the code work fast. I recently stumbled across an article mentioning that using “arguments” was bad.
Specifically that:
function (a) {
return a;
is considerably better than:
function () {
return arguments[0];
Now, I only use the arguments variable if I want to work with a variable (and potentially large) number of arguments. Utility functions and what have you. The alternative to the above would be to assume one parameter that was a list. Like so:
function (args) {
return args[0];
The cost here is building a list each time you call the function. I wanted to see what’s actually faster here and so I extended a JSPerf to examine:
Moral of the story: if you want to use variable number of arguments in utility functions the use of the arguments variable is better than building a list.
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